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Gum Surgery

In some cases, periodontal surgery can be used to treat specific gum problems. Then, it is called gum surgery.

Did you spot a redness in the gum? Doing a google search to find what it is? This article will talk about various gum problems and also about gum surgery. If you still have doubts, book an appointment at our hospital; our dentist can clarify all your doubts.

The gum surgery procedure aims to cure gum disease and damage it may have been caused by

  • regrowing damaged bones and tissues
  • preventing tooth loss
  • reducing gum gaps between teeth
  • eliminating bacteria and infection

Conditions that can be treated by Gum surgery

Gum surgery can treat Gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a gum disease that can lead to gum redness, swelling, and bleeding. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that occurs due to poor oral hygiene, plaque, and tartar buildup. Professional treatment can reverse the condition.

In many cases, untreated gingivitis can progress to periodontitis. This can lead to an inflammatory response that destroys bone and tissues. The gums begin to move away from the teeth during the inflammatory response. This causes spaces called pockets to develop, which trap bacteria and lead to infection.

If untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss and bone damage.

Types of surgical procedures

Depending on your condition, our dentist will suggest you a treatment plan. Before surgery, the dentist will give the gums a deep clean. The process of cleaning your gums is known as deep scaling, which can remove tartar and bacteria from teeth and gums.

Root planing can smooth the surfaces of the roots of the teeth. This means there are fewer places for tartar and bacteria to build up. This procedure also removes any tartar that is on the root.

Both Deep scaling and root planing usually occur at the same time.

Flap surgery

People who have tartar deposits in deep pockets will need flap surgery. The surgery involves lifting the gums off of the teeth to remove tartar in deep roots. After removing the tartar, the surgeon will stitch the gum into place to fit around the teeth. In some cases, the bone may require reshaping during this procedure.

Bone grafting

A person needs a bone graft when the bone surrounding the root of the tooth is damaged or destroyed. The bone grafting procedure involves replacing the damaged bone with new bone. This new bone may be the person's bone, a manufactured bone, or donated bone. Bone grafting aims to hold the tooth in place and help it to regrow.

Guided tissue regeneration

In this procedure, the surgeon uses mesh-like material to prevent gum from growing where bone should be. This way, the dentist can ensure that the bone and connective tissue regrows.

The surgeon will place a small piece of the material between a bone and gum tissue during this procedure.

Tissue grafting

Gumline recession (lowered gum line) is caused by the loss of gum tissue and may require soft tissue grafting to reduce further damage. A dental surgeon removes tissue from one part of the body during this procedure and re-attaches it to the area where the gum has decreased. The tissue comes from the roof of the mouth. Tissue grafting reduces the risk for further damage and covers any exposed roots.

Preparing for gum surgery

The dentist will perform a pre-operative exam to ensure it is safe to have surgery. While doing th pre-operative exam, the dentist will consider the medical history review and do an exam. They will also examine the teeth, mouth, and jaw to check for stability and health. The dentist will check for any oral infections, abscesses, or other lesions that could make healing from surgery more complicated.

Once the pre-operative exam is done and if the patient is eligible for the surgery, the dentist will discuss the risks and benefits of the operation and receive permission or consent to move forward with the surgery.

During the Gum surgery

Based on your conditions, the dentist will have a proper treatment plan. Depending on your treatment plan the things may take place. Usually, a surgery takes around 2 hours to complete.

In some cases, the surgery will require a person to be asleep. On other occasions, the surgery involves using a local anesthetic to numb the gums.

During the procedure, the dental surgeon uses sterile equipment to lower the risk of infection. After making small incisions, the dentist will lift the gums away from the teeth. This allows the dentist to see the roots better to remove and clean away any tartar, plaque, or infection.

After a dental cleaning, the surgeon can perform other procedures, such as gum reshaping, bone regeneration, or other planned procedures.

Then the surgeon will stitch the gums back into place, using thread stitches. After 7 to 10 days, the surgeon will remove the stitches.


Following a proper oral routine can give the best possible results after surgery. The dentist might also suggest you use an antiseptic mouthwash to keep the area clean, avoid infection, avoid strenuous exercise, eat soft foods in the days following surgery, and avoid smoking.

Keep in mind tartar is formed due to poor oral care, so make sure to maintain proper care after surgery.

R.R. dental clinic is the house of the best dentists in Chennai. So pick up your phone and book an appointment. Our doctors will take the best care of you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The types of gum surgery are listed below

  • Gingival Flap Surgery
  • Gingivectomy
  • Gingivoplasty
  • Gum Graft
  • Gum Regeneration

People have mild to moderate pain after surgery that can be managed with pain relievers. If you develop moderate swelling, try applying an ice pack to the area.

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