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Dental Crown

Dental Crown is one of the teeth restoration methods that help to restore, replace or protect damaged teeth. A dental crown is a cap that is placed on top of the damaged teeth. Dental crowns come into the picture when Dental fillings do not solve the problem. A crown lasts between five to fifteen years. The life span of the crown depends on our oral hygiene.

Teeth are damaged due to various reasons. Teeth are damaged due to various reasons like consumption of sugar or due to injury. Your teeth can lose their shape or size. The term crown means the top of your head or hat. So, dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that can be placed over your tooth.

RR Dental hospital is one of the best places in chennai for dental treatment. Our team of dentists will assist you throughout the procedure.

Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a fixed restoration that replaces one or more missing teeth which are attached by a cementing medium to natural teeth implants. Dental bridges can last 5to 10 years even longer with good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups. These false teeth are called pontics and can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination of these materials.

Dental bridges are supported by natural teeth or implants.Before dental bridge placement dentists will reduce a certain amount of tooth structure from the adjacent teeth. The amount of tooth structure removal required for the dental bridge is the same for both the front and back teeth.


To fix a dental bridge you need to fix few appointments.

  • Abutment teeth preparation: Your dentist reshapes the abutment teeth. They will remove part of the enamel and dentin, so there’s room for the crown.
  • Impressions: Our dentist will take impressions or a digital scan of your teeth. Then the impressions are shared with the laboratory and they use the mold or scan as a model to create your bridge, false teeth and crowns. You will have a temporary bridge to protect the exposed areas in your mouth while the lab makes your bridge.
  • Permanent bridge placement: During your second visit to the dentist your provider removes the temporary bridge and places the permanent bridge. Your provider will carefully check the bridge and make any needed adjustments to make sure it fits you comfortably.

Types of dental bridge

  • Traditional bridges: are the most common type of dental bridge They consist of ceramic , porcelain fused to metal.
  • Cantilever bridges: are similar to traditional bridges used when there are adjacent teeth on only one side of the missing teeth. This is not recommended in the back of the mouth where it can put too much force on adjacent teeth and damage them and is typically used to restore front teeth.
  • Maryland bridges: consist of pontic ( artificial teeth) that are supported by a metal frame work. Maryland bridges are made of ceramic and also have “ wings “ that bond to the adjacent teeth.
  • Implant supported bridges: are supported entirely dental implants. Implant bridges are ideal for patients who have at least three missing teeth ( back molars) in a row.

Advantages of Dental Bridge

  • Help your bite.
  • Prevent remaining teeth from moving out of place.
  • Restore your ability to chew and speak.
  • Restore your smile.

Foods to Avoid

  • Chewy food
  • Hard nuts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • A dental crown can be used to protect the weak tooth.
  • Dental crowns can be used to restore worn-out teeth.
  • They help in anchoring the dental bridge
  • They cover dental implants.
  • The dental crown covers the tooth that underwent root canal treatment.

Before fixing the dental crown the dentist performs the root canal treatment if you have tooth decay or any risk of infection. Then the tooth will be filed down across the tops and sides. By doing this there will be space to insert the crown. The space is required on the material of the crown. After reshaping the tooth a paste is made to extract the impression of the teeth. The crown is customised based on the tooth structure. The impressions are sent to the laboratory. Once the crown is ready it is fixed by the dentist.

Dental Crowns are made out of different materials. Metals like gold, silver, palladium, nickel and chromium can be used to make crowns. Metal crowns are good for the long run. To insert a metal crown only a small amount of teeth is removed. The drawback of the metal crown is the colour and the price of the gold crown.

Another material is porcelain fused to metal. This type can be matched to the colour of the teeth and they are more natural. The drawback of this crown includes the chance of the porcelain portion breaking off and the crown-wearing down the teeth opposite it within the mouth. This directly affects the teeth that are in contact. Dental crowns are all also made out of resin. This is more expensive than other crowns and prone to break easily.

Few patients might undergo several issues. A newly crowned tooth may be sensitive after the anesthésia begins to wear off. Pain or sensitivity that happens when you bite down usually means that the crown is too high on the tooth.

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