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Do you feel braces is stopping you from eating your favourite food Don’t worry we have a solution for you.

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that corrects the misaligned teeth. This treatment can improve a person’s appearance and it also aims to improve oral function.


There are two kinds of appliances used. They are fixed and removable.

Fixed Appliances

These are the most common devices used in orthodontics. Fixed appliances are used when precision is required. With the fixed appliance, the person needs to avoid carbonated drinks, hard candy, gum, and other sticky foods.

People who participate in contact sports need to tell their orthodontist, as they may need special gum shields.


Braces consist of brackets, wires, and bands. Bands are fixed firmly around the teeth and serve as anchors for the appliance. The brackets are connected to the front of the teeth.

Wires are in the shape of an arch that passes through the brackets and is fixed to the bands. As the archwire is tightened, tension is applied to the teeth. Over time, this moves them into the proper position.

Dentists will ask the patient's to make monthly visits to adjust or tighten. Treatment may last from several months to many years. Both clear and colored braces are available.

Space Maintainers

If a child loses a tooth, a space maintainer will be used to stop the two teeth at either side of the spaces from moving into it until the adult tooth comes through. A band is fixed to one of the teeth next to the space, and a wire goes from the band to the other tooth.

Removable space maintainers

These are an alternative to fixed-space maintainers.

Special fixed appliances

These can help control tongue thrusting or thumb sucking. They may be uncomfortable, especially when eating, and so they are only used if necessary.

Removable appliances

Removable appliances are used to treat minor problems, such as preventing thumb sucking or correcting slightly crooked teeth. They can be removed to clean, eat, or floss. The dentist advice the patient to remove them during certain activities, such as playing a wind instrument or cycling.

Aligners: This alternative to braces may be useful for adults. They are unnoticeable by other people, and they can be removed to brush the teeth, floss, or eat. An aligner is used for 2 to 3 weeks, then changed for a tighter one.

Headgear: This is the strap around the back of the head that is attached to a metal wire in the front or face bow. The aim is to slow down upper jaw growth, and keep the back teeth in position while the front ones are pulled back.

Lip and cheek bumpers: These are made to relieve the pressure of cheeks or lips on the teeth.

Palatal expander: This removable appliance is designed to make the arch of the upper jaw wider. It consists of a plastic plate with screws that is placed on the palate, or roof of the mouth. The screws put pressure on the joints in the bones, forcing them outward. This expands the size of the area in the roof of the mouth.

Retainers: These are used after treatment to stop the teeth from moving back to their original positions. If modified, they may also be used to stop children from sucking their thumbs. There are two types of retainer removable and Hawley retainer.

Whatever your device or treatment, it is important to follow both the instructions and oral hygiene guidelines with care, to ensure the best outcome. Our dentist will help you out and give all the details about the treatment. RR Hospital Chennai is the home to many professional dentists who prioritise the happiness of the patients.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Orthodontists are dental specialists who correct problems like position, alignment, or spacing of the teeth and related irregularities in the face and the jaw.

It is advisable to consult the orthodontist at the age of seven. An orthodontist must evaluate your child's condition.

Orthodontic treatment plays two roles. They can enhance the overall appearance. Orthodontic treatment allows the teeth to function better.

Wearing braces brings additional responsibilities or steps to keep them clean. It is recommended that you brush your teeth after every meal and snack.

Depending on your teeth, the treatment can take from 6-30 months. After that, a retainer is worn.

Yes, you should avoid certain foods while wearing braces. Our doctors at RR dental clinic will give a list of food that should be avoided.

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